Wednesday, October 5, 2016

This is my very first entry so nothing too complicated here. As an introduction to you, i would be writing about anything that comes to mind. Topics may vary depending on my mood 😉... From past experiences, daily chores, work related, parenting, probably gossip (not much into that), politics (?), or just about the weather 🌤 . There are a lot of things to talk about. As you grow older, you learn a lot of new things. And you can share those life lessons through... ta-dah! 🙀 BLOG

So anyway, I don't really know if what I'm doing is right. But I'm pretty sure nothing is wrong. I simply want to write. Period. Not the type who writes books 📚 though. That's too much for me. (Although it crossed my mind 😂). I just realized it will take me years to finish one book. And then what? No one will probably publish it. Hahaha!

Here i am now... starting my blog (or ending it already)... the reason behind this blog: no cost, no deadline, no worries 😉. Just a penny for my thoughts ❤️